The lock Leonardo

Dea/ June 2, 2019/ Воокs/ 0 comments

Five centuries after the death of Leonardo da Vinci, he continues to spark his imagination and stir up discussions. A great scholar who hardly got into his time. And he continues to teach us what he has left for centuries after he left. Another book about him or more than that? We will read, we will …

“The Secret Library of Leonardo” by Francesco Fioretti makes it possible through the story to make a journey in time to mysterious Italy from the end of the XV and the beginning of the XVI century. While violent political events are raging, there are a number of other events that are, at first glance, not such a large-scale murder due to rare antique books, theft, and a secret library cache that keeps invaluable knowledge of a dangerous manuscript.

What is Italy at that time? Episodes of power and patronage fueled by wars with the French kings, internal struggles and rivalries between nobility families. Savonarola, the priest, has been excommunicated from the Church – hanged and burned, the Makiavelli diplomat tries to preserve the autonomy of the Florentine republic from the assaults of the papal son of Cesare Borgia, and Leonardo creates The Last Supper. He also continued his profound search for the other meaning of numbers and the hidden message of geometric bodies with the help of Franciscan mathematician Luke Pacholi. The Cathedral in Florence is now home to Brunellesky’s unbelievable design and execution, while Michelangelo sculpts his “David”. Francesco Fioretti describes the situation in the country, as well as a criminal plot along with the Renaissance giant Leonardo da Vinci.

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