Plans for Sunday?
Hello friends! I’ve been a little lost lately, embroiled in other “more important” engagements, but here I am again. And immediately I make a suggestion to a friend of mine that I cannot participate in this time, but I recommend it if you are near our southern Black Sea coast. More specifically Primorsko. Andrei lives in Burgas, but together with Lucy (from Primorsko) they have been traveling around Strandzha for many years. And they discover little of the secrets of this sacred mountain. You know Strandja is as old as the Himalayas, right? Don’t look at how tall it is. Stara Planina is also called “old”, but in fact it is the youngest of all mountain ranges on the territory of Bulgaria. They were the first to find a ford next to the Lion’s Head, which is the emblem of the region and show it from afar to the thousands of tourists who use the boats along the Repotamo River. That being said – I’ve been with them too, it’s very exciting, especially the last meters! And I highly recommend it! Here’s the idea: Ranuli Tourist Association, Primorsko invites you on a hiking trip to the Lion’s Head Hill in the Ropotamo Reserve. The event is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Sunday (March 1). of the run for Begliktash. You can get there by following the signs from the beach of Primorsko, through the Horse base, on the asphalt road. So that you can feel the Ropotamo Reserve inside, so to speak. There are several rock phenomena that will impress you, as well as the ancient town of Ranuli on the Lion’s Head hill. Equipment needed: – Comfortable shoes- Water- Good mood The event is free of charge. Starting point of the Begiktash Turnpike, 10 am, March 1 (week).