Sakar and her mysteries
The mysterious rituals performed in special places in the Bulgarian lands of the past are connected above all with the Thracians. Their rituals are still enigma, though many groups of people today are trying to “lift the curtain” and do all sorts of rebuilds in these sacred spaces as well as in the halls. Traces of their cult places are still evident, especially if you know where to look for them. So our group’s quests led us to border and forgotten by all the villages like Sakar Mountains. There is no internet at all, there is not even a telephone operator, or only a Turkish operator is involved, and in this case it is better to completely disconnect your background to avoid an unpleasant large account min.
We head to the “Tangra’s Hand”, which is located in the lands between the villages of Sakartsi and Ovcharovo. Close to treated areas – this can be your guide!
But our ultimate goal was a huge shark, about two feet in diameter, gently stood beneath the roaring sun.
How exactly do you find it? After the village of Ovcharovo there is a slight elevation and something like a parking lot (to put it a lot, but a bigger open area where you can stop the cars). From there, you go forward and down, as soon as you see a vegetable fence on your right, and it will be your turn to cross over! Here, from here on the right, I suggested: