Australian flower essences

Dea/ August 26, 2020/ Spiritual Development/ 0 comments

Since I already have some experience with them, I can without exaggeration call them one of the wonders of nature. Because what they do – the wild flowers of Australia, belongs to the so-called “vibration treatment”. That is, the vibration of the flower transmits the impulse embedded in it to the one who drinks it. It is drunk as a cold and stabilized extract of it, 7 drops in the morning and evening. The action of an essence is to resonate with the wounds and problems in the person who takes them to heal them. Initially, this effect is magnified to realize the problem and release the trauma. After the critical first few days are over, it’s time to get the positives from the essence. So little by little, like a head of an old onion, we peel off an unnecessary flake of ourselves – fears, prejudices, layered beliefs – all things that no longer serve us. In order to be as close as possible to what we really are and to be visible to others who do not know us. No false or misleading signals.

Take a look at the beauty around you when you go for a walk in nature and notice if there are any of the plants that “speak” to you. That is, you notice it more intrusively, it catches your eye, so to speak, and look for its meaning. It’s probably no accident and he really has something to tell you. Such as that can help you. Chicory, for example (which is my flower and even now I take it) is to love unconditionally. Wild oats – to find a direction when we are at a crossroads, and oak – to believe that we can cope. With everything we want, but we doubt the good outcome. The rock rose, on the other hand, is for courage in action, to take a step towards the realization of our aspirations. And more and more. There are dozens of them. Taken in combination, which is important for us at the moment, they gradually change us – to our healthier self. Both physically and mentally. Because only in this way can we be sure that we live our lives and have set foot on our path. Not a stranger. The feeling then is different – we know it to be so and without a doubt!

There are also ready-made combinations, which are several main problems for the city man. They mainly help to get rid of our negative mental attitudes, which are the biggest obstacle to our well-being. As emotional reactions, they can cause muffled crying, intentional crying, or trigger a wave of other emotions. However, when we release these long-suppressed states that have accumulated in us for a long time, peace comes. Which is a luxury for the modern stressed, hurried and nervous person. Some essences help the glands to function better, to get rid of heavy metals accumulated in us in one way or another.

Australian flower essences are inspired by those of Dr. Bach.

Thirty years ago, Australian Ian White created a series of 69 types of essences made from Australia’s wildflowers. Their rapid healing effect makes them a preferred method for thousands of people around the world. Their use is absolutely harmless for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for small children. The flower essences contain the vibrational nature of the flower from which they are made and this is not something new for the modern world, because they have been used by wild tribes not only in Australia but also in Egypt and South America for hundreds of years. However, their popularity began to grow after Dr. Eduard Bach was the first to experiment with wildflowers in Europe in the early 20th century. His opinion was that when the patient is emotionally stable, the body can cope with any physical problems. You can also make your own essence from something that you think is good for you for some reason, by carefully tearing off / more precisely cut the color with scissors – that’s the rule! / And put it in a breathable bag. Then place the given color in a transparent glass bowl and leave for a few hours in the sun for the water to absorb their energy. You can then drain and drink as a regular liquid. If you want your essence to be more durable, then you need to add some alcohol to stabilize the extract. I wish you health and only a good mood!


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